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In the strictest culinary sense, fruit is any sweet tasting plant product associated with seed or seeds. Tomatoes are a fruit. Broad Classification of Fruits The three basic types of fruits are 1 Simple fruit 2 Aggregate fruit 3 Multiple fruit Simple Fruit Simple fruits could be formed due to ripening of a simple or compound ovary with only one pistil isabel marant sneakers. They can be either dry or fleshy. Dry fruits could be dehiscent fruit which open to discharge seeds or indehiscent fruit which do not do so isabel marant shoes. Examples of dry simple fruits include legumes pea, bean and peanut, capsules Brazil nut, fibrous drupe coconut and walnut, schizocarp carrot, utricle beets, silique as in radish, and others. Examples of fleshy simple fruits include pome accessory fruits like apple, pear, rosehip and berry redcurrant, gooseberry, tomato and avocado, false berry banana and cranberry or stone fruit plum, cherry, peach, apricot, and olive..